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Painting on silk

Nico Gozal

Nico’s cross-cultural art training is rooted in his country of origin, Indonesia. He moved
to the United States in 1990 to pursue a degree in Design. Toward the end of his undergraduate studies, Nico had an amazing opportunity to apprentice for and be mentored by a successful artist in Tampa, FL, Jane Murray Lewis.

She introduced him to the world of Gutta / Serti Silk painting. He uses lush Habotai Silk
and the application of vibrant Fabric Dyes. Some of his pieces use a Bas Relief
technique to create unique three-dimensional surfaces.

In late October 2018, Nico moved to the Washington, DC metropolitan area. Since then,
he has been accepted to several juried shows and invited to do a few solo shows in the
area, including “The Hill center Gallery” in Washington DC and “Asian Arts and Culture
Center” in Towson, MD.

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